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Articles Tagged with

Remote Filming

Singapore, Video Production, Vivid Snaps

Pharmaceutical Video Production in Singapore

In recent years, video has revolutionised the pharmaceutical industry, giving companies the opportunity to promote their businesses in a variety of ways.  

With so many different medical products from a variety of manufacturers on the market, consumers are spoilt for choice. Therefore, advertisement is important to stand out from the crowd and boost sales of a brand’s medication. 

According to a study by the Pew Research Center in 2013, 6 out of 10 American Internet users search online for answers to their medical questions. This makes medical and health research the third most popular search query on the web.

So why go through pages of product manuals when an application video is available? Why read lengthy website documentation when a video can summarise the fundamentals? In short, consumers want to learn as much as possible in as little time as possible, all the better if it comes with a good story. 

Keep reading to find out what types of pharmaceutical video productions there are below. 

Commercial Photography, Corporate Photography, Corporate Videography, Event Photography, Event Videography, Live Streaming, Photography, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Pro-bono Video Production Singapore 2020

(This post was originally published in May 2020 and has been updated in Nov 2020 with our more recent works.)

It has been almost 7 months since Singapore started the circuit breaker to combat the spread of COVID-19. Our government has offered many support schemes to cushion the impact on businesses and Singaporeans alike.

While our business was severely impacted when covid started, we were very thankful to a handful of clients who could afford to support our services during this period. To express our gratitude, we offered our services for 3 non-profit organisations to produce pro-bono works as a form of giving back to the community.

Corporate Videography, Lifestyle, Live Streaming, Videography, Vivid Snaps

3 Ideas for Remote Video Production in COVID-19

Amidst this COVID-19 pandemic, video production is still as important as ever. Videos help to market, sell, engage audiences, provide services and spread awareness. However, currently with social distancing in place, video production has to be done remotely.

Read on to find out ideas for remote video production and unique ways to engage your audience.

Already have an idea for a remote filming production? Drop us a message via the message box at the side of the page today and we can help you get started on your production.

Corporate Videography, Live Streaming, Videography

Remote Video Filming & Production in Singapore

Remote Video Production is a not a completely new idea, it is usually preferred only if a regular video production crew cannot be present at the filming scene. Remote Video Production is also commonly referred to as Virtual Video Filming and Virtual Video Production.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a lot of changes to how business can be conducted. While many changes were involuntary, they push the boundary of what is possible. Technology adoption has accelerated, giving rise to a more efficient workforce when situation returns back to normal.

Over the past months, our team has came up with creative solutions inspired by our client’s requests. As always, we express our our heartfelt gratitude to clients who have supported us through the years.

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