Remote Video Production is a not a completely new idea, it is usually preferred only if a regular video production crew cannot be present at the filming scene. Remote Video Production is also commonly referred to as Virtual Video Filming and Virtual Video Production.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a lot of changes to how business can be conducted. While many changes were involuntary, they push the boundary of what is possible. Technology adoption has accelerated, giving rise to a more efficient workforce when situation returns back to normal.
Over the past months, our team has came up with creative solutions inspired by our client’s requests. As always, we express our our heartfelt gratitude to clients who have supported us through the years.

Communication is Much Needed in Times of Change
When working with our clients, many have shared with us the importance of communicating the changes in business processes with their team leaders and company staff.
Many team leaders with strong initiative and foresight have came up with creative solutions to continue their business as usual. Others are using video conferencing to rally their team in this time of uncertainty.
However, the remaining who are not technologically inclined might have been left wondering how to conduct business in the new norm. And our clients have turned to videos to educate their workforce on the available tools and business processes.
Conceptualisation & Storyboarding (Pre-production)
The same video production process applies even for remote production. Our video producer will conduct virtual meetings via video or phone call to understand your background and objectives.
Depending on the resources available on your team, and timeline, we can assist with the conceptualisation and storyboarding of your video production. Alternatively, you can also provide us with finished storyboard (PPT format is just fine), and we can get into the production with minimal lead time.
Remote Filming: Cameraman & Director
During a Remote Filming or Virtual Filming session, your subjects or interviewee log in to our production server. And there, they will see our video producer, director and maybe yourself. Our crew will be controlling the shoot and directing your subject to achieve the best possible results under varying situations.
We invite you, our client to join us in the shoot. You too, can login to our production server to monitor the shoot, and interact with your subjects or interviewees.
Besides a 1-to-1 Virtual Filming, our Remote Video Production crew can also record virtual panel discussions involving 4-5 panelists with moderator.

Use A Smartphone, iPad or Webcam
There is no need for complicated filming equipment, which can be a hassle to deliver and setup in time of social distancing.
Our production server allows filming to be done on virtually all common computers and smartphones. The process is easy for your talents or interviewees, they will be guided throughout the whole process. We have conducted Virtual Remote Filming for MNC clients and across country borders.
Our Remote Filming works well with smart devices like iPhone, iPad, Android phone & tablet. Any Windows or Mac computer with webcam will work fine. A stable Internet connection is required. Having said that, we want to point out that most modern Mac computers have better quality webcams, and balanced image processing.
Juxtaposing with Existing Content
What about scenes that we cannot film remotely? We can re-purpose scenes from your previous videos, or perform screen-recording if we are dealing with subject regarding a software tool. Otherwise, we also have stock footage at your disposal to make your video interesting.
Some of our clients have used footages from past conferences and events, or how-to videos to reinforce the key messages on their videos.
Remote Video Post-production

Footages taken on smartphone cameras or webcams are certainly no match for the professional cameras. And this makes the post-production all the more important. We can plan for meaningful customised message overlays to emphasise key messages.
While the audio is usually clear in our remote recording, you can also choose to include subtitles in the native and/or translated languages.
Remote Virtual Webinar Filming

Zoom Webinars are a dime a dozens these days, but many Webinars are ran no different for a casual Zoom meeting. Thus making it easy for you to stand out. When you engage us for a Professional Webinar Production, we can customise branded overlays, integrate pre-recorded videos and have our director assist your presenters to find the best angle.
Pre-recorded Webinar & Live Streaming
Your live stream does not have to be completely live. By having Pre-recorded Webinar segments, it can help reduce the stress on actual day. Using the right Virtual Event Engagement Tools can help you run your pre-recorded webinar live stream without compromising on the attendee experience.
Remote Virtual Employee Engagement Videos

One of the most requested Remote Virtual Filming & Production projects we receive, is for staff engagement. When pivoting to working from home, many essential events have been converted into a virtual format. This includes company internal seminars and product trainings. Companies who successfully pivoted to a virtual format, can even find themselves with an improved and streamlined workflow. This is because, videos can be made available on demand and replayed multiple times.
Remote Video Filming vs. Physical Production

In every video, content is king. While a remote video filming will not yield the same level of image detail as our professional cameras, do not let this stop you from conceptualising a good video. Focus on the content and message delivery, and your video will still be very effective.
Our video post-production crew can add captions and titles to help you bring across the key messages with more emphasis.
While any physical interactions are discouraged for social distancing measures, physical filming is still permitted. Hence, you can combine physical and remote filming to reduce headcount at a filming location. Our green screen studio is available for use at no rental fee when taken up with our filming or live streaming service.
Combine Physical & Remote Filming

In our previous physical & remote filming, we hosted TV presenter Yvonne Chan in a green screen studio. While the remote presenter located overseas connected with us remotely. The local video feed was recorded with professional video camera, while the incoming video feed was recorded in highest possible resolution.
Filming & Live Streaming Studio

When you need a video production studio, our studio with a 4.8m wide green screen is available for use. The space is ample for hosting 1 physical presenter, or it can also comfortably fit 3 presenters with social distancing. If you require a larger studio, we recommend looking at our list of video production studio rental & green screen studio rental. We regularly render our services at venues provided by our clients, such as your office meeting rooms and studio rentals.
Our Remote Video Production Team

When you engage our team for a remote video production, our Project Coordinator or Project Managers will be your main point of contact. During our remote video filming, you will meet our Videographer & Director virtually. The Videographer is in charge of the virtual video filming, while our Director will assist to guide your presenter for good aesthetics and message delivery.
Start Your Project Now
Your inspiration is our motivation, Remote Video Filming & Production was born out of necessity during the COVID-19 period. Our solutions are constantly evolving to suit your demands. If you have other ideas on how our remote video production can help your business, let us know.
Get in touch with our Project Coordinators to discuss how we can help to realise your ideas.
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