In recent years, video has revolutionised the pharmaceutical industry, giving companies the opportunity to promote their businesses in a variety of ways.
With so many different medical products from a variety of manufacturers on the market, consumers are spoilt for choice. Therefore, advertisement is important to stand out from the crowd and boost sales of a brand’s medication.
According to a study by the Pew Research Center in 2013, 6 out of 10 American Internet users search online for answers to their medical questions. This makes medical and health research the third most popular search query on the web.
So why go through pages of product manuals when an application video is available? Why read lengthy website documentation when a video can summarise the fundamentals? In short, consumers want to learn as much as possible in as little time as possible, all the better if it comes with a good story.
Keep reading to find out what types of pharmaceutical video productions there are below.
Commercial Video
Commercials are the vehicle in which advertisers help companies drive their message to consumers. They should serve as a teaser for your product and offer prospective customers a glimpse of what your company does.
Abbott Singapore Similac Commercial
Instead of shooting from a third-person perspective, this video uses hand-held camera movements to give viewers the illusion of watching an interesting family vlog instead of a paid advertisement. They also made a clever choice in adding the voice over of its Mother character, which is the target demographic of this product.
Johnson & Johnson TV Commercial
This heart-warming commercial by Johnson & Johnson reinforces their position as the world’s largest and most broadly-based healthcare company. They want to be known as much more than a company that specialises in baby products, and they have done it through this storytelling of their wide array of solutions throughout a person’s lifespan.
Pharma Corporate Brand Video
It is advantageous for a company to create a digital personality that communicates transparently and whom customers can form an emotional bond with. Consumers want to know what your company stands for as a brand, what values you embody, and what products you make. Hence, a brand video is the perfect way to show them what your company represents.
Reimagining Medicine at Novartis Singapore
Having staff from different departments and locations say the buzzword one after another makes for a catchy introduction to this video. The script stays consistent by having all of the following interviews start with that same word, which compels viewers to continue watching to find out what each person has to say.
We are AbbVie
This video pairs stock footage with overlaying text to present the company’s mission. They have chosen to keep the visuals simple, which can sometimes be the most effective way of spreading the message.
Pharma Testimonial Video
Patient testimonials, authentic success stories of treatment methods and personal accounts from individuals who have had to completely change their lifestyle due to illness are all popular content amongst Internet users. Therefore, creating such videos may be key to building your credibility.
Cancer Genomic Testing | Jamal’s story
In this video, Jamal Tamer and his oncologist, Dr. Hazem Assi, explain why cancer genomic testing is so important. Aside from the interviews, there is b-roll of Jamal and the doctor to intercut between and give context to his story.
Kiran’s Story: Her Bone Marrow Transplant Journey
This video features 25-year-old Kiran, who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) when she was 15 years old. B-roll of her present self and old photos paint a clearer scene for viewers and make the video more cohesive and relatable.
This video follows the journey of Jenson as he battles with Myelofibrosis — from the struggles he faced to overcoming the challenges that came his way. The b-roll of Jensen’s daily routine is something local viewers can identify with and adds a sense of groundedness to the video.
Pharma Plant Tour Video
Giving a tour is another great way to promote your company. Allowing people into your office space can lead to a better understanding of your brand and the values behind your company.
Video Tour of ABH Pharma
We are taken on a tour of the ABH facility by the company’s president. There are plenty of cutaways to highlight specific machines and products, allowing viewers to be more immersed in the tour.
Pithampur Facility Video
Instead of having a host walk us through the facility, this video uses narration, graphics and text to make the overall experience engaging and informative for viewers.
Pharma Career Video
Research has shown that job postings with videos are viewed 12% more and receive a 34% greater application rate than those without. A good recruitment video should depict what potential employees can expect when working for your company.
A Typical Day in the Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry
Here, three unique profiles from the biopharmaceutical manufacturing industry share their experiences working in the field. Workforce Singapore has contributed this video in hopes of making this industry more appealing to job seekers.
Return to Work With Susan in Our Re-Ignite Program
The Johnson & Johnson Re-Ignite program is a paid returnship for experienced professionals who, after taking a career break of two years or longer, are ready to return to work.
Pfizer Careers
This video has a mix of first-person footage and upbeat music that gives it a light-hearted tone. Unlike the majority of recruitment videos, it features shots of employees enjoying their time outside of work. This leaves the impression that the company has a holistic workplace culture.
Pharma Explainer Video
Explainer videos are often placed on the landing or prominent product page of your website. With some brands boasting of increased conversion rates as much as 144% after including an explainer video to their website, you definitely should add this to your company’s list of marketing tools.
COVID-19 Vaccine Explainer Video
A combination of interviews, documentary footage, text and motion graphics are used to explain the process of creating the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
Remote Video Production
Videos are essential in marketing, engaging audiences, providing services, and raising awareness. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote video production has ensured that filming can still be carried out safely.
Remote Video Podcast
In this remote video podcast, Caroline Roan of Pfizer and Krishna Udayakumar of Duke University discuss the role Pfizer plays in supporting global health innovation. Both experts likely used a video conferencing app such as Zoom to record the session from separate locations.
Remote Interview Video
Similar to the previous video, these two industry leaders take turns asking each other questions about maintaining the continuity of care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Remote Panel Discussion and Q&A
Remote filming has made it possible for this panel of international experts to come together for a virtual conference. The superimposition of audience names, photos and questions during the Q&A session also helps the panelists feel more connected to them.
Our Video Production Team

We hope you have learnt a thing or two about pharmaceutical video production!
If you are interested in hiring a professional team for your pharmaceutical video production, you can use the contact form on the right side of the page or click on the button below to get in touch with us. Our friendly Project Coordinators will reply shortly.