Video editing lead time can vary depending on a number of factors. The length of the video, the complexity of the video, the skill and experience level one has to edit, and most importantly, the time available at hand.
These factors fortunately can be overridden if one has the patience, the focus, the passion and the drive to see through for the end product.
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The Vivid Snaps Team

Our team consists of media professional with expertise in video production from pre to post. Consisting of videographers, video editors, director, project coordinators and graphic designer. Our portfolio is focused on corporate clients. And our works ranges from internal communication videos, brand story videos, virtual & hybrid events and corporate photography.
What is Video Editing Lead Time?
Simply put, the lead time for video editing is the time taken from the beginning of the process until the visualisation of the finished product.
Here at Vivid Snaps, we emphasise on lead time when it comes to editing videos. As a team of media professionals, each and every one of us functions like gears to a machine.
The faster we churn out a video, the better the expectations of the client, after which we move on to the next video and make more satisfied clients. Of course, being able to edit fast does not guarantee the video will look good. One must be able to have the creative eye and thought process that can keep up with the increased pace, which can be gained over time through practice and experience.
For instance, when an editor is solely focused on a single edit, a standard event highlight can take about 1-2 working days of dedicated edit for the first draft. Corporate videos on the other hand can take about 7 working days for the first draft, with subsequent changes taking approximately 3-4 days, depending on the comments from various stakeholders. Short films and feature films on the other hand, well, that’s another ball park. Those can probably take weeks, months or even years!
Let’s take a look at samples produced by us in order to have a realistic understanding of what is video editing lead time!
Same-Day Rushed Event Highlight Editing
Sometimes, due to regulations and limitations on clients’ end, a video (or at the very least, the first draft) needs to be edited and completed within one or two days from the day of production, sometimes on the day of production itself! This is more common with event highlights, where they need to showcase the video as a form of recap for those who are attendees of such events.
The reference above showcases the quick turnaround certain projects require in order to keep up with client demands. For an event highlight, it is important to not only filter out the best shots to be used, but also ensure that the footage flows seamlessly and the music used is suitable for the event. For beginners, this can seem like a challenging feat, but the more times you do it, the more you get used to it and become acquainted with it. It lowkey develops your editing skills and proficiency being able to maintain within the lead time.
Narrative Short Story Video Editing
Narrative videos like this will take a while to edit, despite its average run time of around 5 minutes. When piecing together narratives, it is important for the visuals to flow and tell a story simultaneously. More sets of eyes will have to come together to sit down and watch the edit to ensure that everything is in order and according to the storyboard planned.
Relevant stakeholders will also give their comments and thoughts after the first cut, which may or may not cause an overhaul to overall edit, which in turns prolongs the timeline even more. This video took roughly 2 weeks to edit.
In industry practice, a full-length feature film, which typically runs between 90 minutes to 2 hours, would take at least several weeks to several months of post-production work, which includes editing, and also sound design, colour correction and visual effects.
Other Factors That Can Affect Video Editing Lead Time
It is also worth noting that the lead time for video editing can also depend on the scope of the project.
If the video requires intense graphics, definitely more time will be required to produce the video. If there are missing footage and additional shoot days are required, it will also add on more delays to the overall project. Some of these factors can be avoidable, but some of these may be a result of unforeseen circumstances and are completely not within the editor’s control.
Explainer Video Editing
This video contains a mix of live-action and animation. Naturally, the animation portion of the video will take a longer time, which results in the lead time being pushed back by at least a few weeks. Usually clients will indicate what is required before the start of production, which will also include the discussion of whether to include animations, visual effects and so on. The reference probably had a lead time of roughly 2 months at the fastest pace, maybe even up to 3 months.
Hence, it is important to align with clients and the rest of the production team on what is the end goal for the video in order to get a better understanding on the production pipeline and what time of the week or month all eyes will be able to see the final cut.
It is best to be able to have a good understanding of the existing project at hand, in order to gauge how long it will take to complete it. Sometimes, certain criteria might develop that will prolong the project. It will take some dedication and the willingness to execute in order to reach the finishing line and move on to the next project, which in turn will develop into greater success in one’s editing career.
Vivid Snaps Video Production Team

We hope this article has provided quick insights in media production. Our team is ready to work with you. Leverage on our combined expertise for your media production. Our core expertise are in the following fields:
- Corporate video production
- Live streaming for virtual & hybrid events
- Corporate photography
- Event photography & videography
For a profile of our team, visit About us to learn more.
Get a Price Quotation
Some projects are straight-forward while others can be complex, drop us a message with your project requirements. Our project coordinator will get in touch with you to provide a price quotation.