Before we knew it, it’s September 2020.
We hope you have been holding out well so far!
2020 was projected to be a great year; a year moving towards a new decade. Then, a pandemic came into the picture and destroyed our goals, dreams, and whatever we have set out to achieve in the new year.
Likewise at Vivid Snaps, we were greatly hit by the pandemic. Events were no longer allowed to happen, we had absolutely no engagements confirmed for the rest of the month after the announcement. We sincerely hoped that this virus would come and go like a passing cloud, but we never knew it would turn out to be a full-blown global pandemic; affecting us for who knows when it will end.
That was when we knew; we could no longer stay at status quo.
Thus, we diversified. We tried our very best and adapted to the change. Within a month, we drilled ourselves with the technical know-how of live streaming videography and made sure we keep ourselves up to date with the latest trends of virtual platforms (eg. preference on using Zoom platform in Singapore) and improved our technical knowledge so we can provide services to our clients effectively.
For the next few months, we see the gradual increase in clients opening up to things happening virtually and remotely and coming to us for live stream videography and live stream platform management services for their virtual events like webinars, annual general meetings, customer engagement live shows and even online talent search show. Today, our team has been, and are still working tirelessly to serve our clients and provide professional live streaming services for their online events.
Here are some of the works we were involved in the past few months of 2020:

Like most other businesses, we are deeply impacted by the COVID-19 situation. It led us to wonder, if it had caused distress for us, what it must have been for the underserved in our community. Hence, we started an initiative to volunteer our passion and expertise for good causes.
We reached out to non-profit organisations to offer them our media services packages as pro-bono. Some of the few organisations we helped includes Salvation Army, Children Cancer Foundation and Red Cross.
It wasn’t easy to change and adapt, especially within such a short period of time. This would not have been possible without the dedication and perseverance of all of our team members.
To all our valued clients, Vivid Snaps is here to embrace the new norm that everyone is confused and reluctant to move into. We are here to support and learn with you.
If you are looking for professional live stream service providers or video production, feel free to contact our project coordinators today!