Digital Photo Booth is an environmentally friendly photo booth engagement for your corporate events and parties. As compared to the popular instant print photo booth, this is a paperless Photo Booth. Images taken at our Photo Booth will be displayed on a dedicated monitor screen, and your guests can select their photos to be sent to their email inbox instantly.
Digital Photo Booth with Photographer

Our digital photo booth engagement includes the service of a professional photographer, this means your event guests at our Photo Booth will be taken care of. While our systems can allow for a fully automated photo booth experience, we made an intentional decision to assign a photographer at your photo booth engagement to provide a personal touch to your event guests.
Professional Photography Lights & Diffuser
One of the reasons why our photo booth images come out better than smartphone images are our professional photography lights and the use of a soft box or diffuser. Proper lighting adds definition to your photo booth images, creating a more professional look.
Customised Digital Photo Border Design

In a world where smartphone can capture great images, another reason for having a dedicated photo booth is the customised digital photo border design. The customised digital photo border design is overlayed on all your photo booth images to officiate the event.
Our designer will work with you to create a bespoke border design for your digital photo booth.
New Workflow: QR Code Digital Photo Booth

Officially launched in Feb 2023, our new QR Photo Booth workflow allows your guest to download their Photo Booth images instantly. Our Photo Booth assistant will provide an iPad with the images and QR code for your guests to scan.
Our QR code Photo Booth for Events has a few benefits:
Quick & Simple
As long as your guests are using a relatively modern smartphone with QR code scanning ability, they can download the Photo Booth image with a quick scan. They are taken immediately to their photo download, no app or additional hoops. Pure and simple.
No Personal Data
There is no need for your guests to provide their email address or phone number. There is no personal data to be collected, hence your guests can feel at ease.
Upon scanning the QR code, your guest will only have access to their own image. This is NOT a gallery where they will browse through the other Photo Booth images.
Our Photo Booth can be customised to incorporate portrait photo shoot and headshots for conferences and sponsorships.
Conventional Workflow: Dedicated Email Sending Kiosk
Our digital photo booth experience is designed to be FAST. This is why we bring an additional email kiosk for your guests to look at their photos and sending emails. So the photo taking booth can serve more guests in the same duration.
The photo booth images are synchronised wirelessly, therefore the digital photo taking booth can be placed at a reasonable distance apart from the email kiosk. Providing ample space for guests management.
4G Mobile Data Connection
We provide the 4G mobile data connection to facilitate the instant sending of photo booth images via email. Nonetheless, it is good to know that the email sending can only work at a venue with reasonable 4G network signal.
Instant Email Sending at our Paperless Photo Booth
While we have multiple Digital Photo Booth options, going for the instant email option is a relatively good choice when confidentiality is a concern. The images are only accessible by event guests and sent directly to the guest’s email inbox.
The images from the an Instant Email Photo Booth are NOT hosted publicly.
Digital Photo Booth for Corporate Events
Being a fully digital Photo Booth with no photo printing, this Photo Booth is a great choice for sustainability focused events.
Paperless Digital Photo Booth for ESG Event
Our Digital Photo Booth eliminates photo printing that is typical of the conventional event photo booth, making this photo booth an ideal option for events with sustainability in mind. The static photo booth setup consists of a photo booth backdrop, camera on tripod and other necessary equipment.
Paperless Digital Roving Photographer for ESG Event
Another popular instant photography option for corporate event is the Instant Roving Photography. In this setup, there will usually be no static photo booth and the photographer will be roving around your event venue.
Our photographer will initiate posed shots for your guests, and the images will then be transferred to an on-site editor. Edited images will be available on an email kiosk for your guests to view and sending to their email inbox.
Related article: ESG Video Production in Singapore
Email Photo Booth Privacy Concerns
Our Digital Photo Booth is set to NOT retain any email addresses after the email is sent. If you require specific compliance workflows, please speak with our project coordinators to discuss.
Digital Instant Roving Photographer

Instant Roving Photography is at the core of our instant photography services for events, and it is now available with instant email feature. Our photographer will rove around your event venue to engage your guests for posed shots. Thereafter, an on-site photo editor works on quick edits before making the images available on the email kiosk for viewing and sending.
Instant Roving Photography is the preferred choice for corporate networking events.
Digital Light Painting Photo Booth

Light painting photo booth is the pinnacle of digital event photo booth experience. Using long exposure photography techniques, guests can create unique light trails by drawing in the air with glow-in-the-dark and LED devices. The fun and surprises from the light painting images are priceless.
Our light painting photo booth has been deployed at a multitude of event locations in Singapore. This is suitable for staff appreciation events in office, arcade themed events at Level Up, corporate event at clubs such as Zouk, or Pasir Panjang Power Station.
Digital Corporate Portrait Photo Booth

Our team consists of professional photographers, and we are passionate about blending professional studio photography in event photo booth setups. Therefore, we regularly work together with our clients to create bespoke digital photo booth experiences.
Corporate Portrait Photo Booth is a meaningful fusion of professional portrait photography in a fast-paced event photo booth setup. And we have delivered customised professional portrait photo booth for Fortune 500 companies including P&G and Adobe.
Customised Digital Photo Booth Experience

For the launch of 19 Crimes wine in Singapore, our team worked with the event agency to create a custom look for the photo booth output. Photos were captured and edited & output instantly on-site.
Digital Photo Booth Rate & Price Reference
The reference cost of Digital Photo Photo Booth in Singapore starts at $1,480 for a 4-hr engagement. This would typically include customised digital photo border design, equipment and labour required.
Additional cost items would include customised printed props and customised backdrop design. For photo booth engagements at remote locations, additional transportation fee may apply.
The Vivid Snaps Team

Our team provides professional photography, videography and photo booth solutions to corporate clients in Singapore since 2012. With our in-house team of photographers, videographers and media professionals, we are a preferred media partner for corporate events.
Our core specialisation includes: